Linku Renku
There are two forms of collaboration on Linku Renku:
  1. 1. Renku parties, where all participants can read the entire poem-in-progress as they write together.
  2. 2. Work in Progress: Invitations, a version of Exquisite Corpse. Each participant only sees the previous line of the poem they are invited by e-mail to continue.
Renku 連句: According to the The Japanese Renku Association, renku 連句 is a question-and-answer style literary art in which the scene of the first line is the basis for the imagining of the next.
Exquisite Corpse /Cadavre exquis : Surrealists played the game Exquisite Corpse to stimulate creativity through collaboration. Players would contribute to a drawing of a figure without seeing what the others had done. Like a game of Telephone, the figure would become stranger with each player’s addition.   — MoMA

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